Walmart hacked?

By Ozz
Looks like when you search for anything at you only get Bibles... Hacked or is this what we've come to.. I want an iPod, no you want a Bible!

By the time you read this post Walmart would've probably fixed the problem, but basically if you go to and search for something i.e. bookcases, chairs, desk, sex and porn you well get back a page displaying nothing but bibles.

Whats also interesting is that when you search for "bible burning," you get back a result page with Burning Bush as the top result. Hmmm...hack or no?

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Google talk has been released!

By Ozz
I've heard rumors about this, and I wasn't going to act until I saw a final product. Well it's here and I must say that I'm pretty impressed.

Now I only found out about this, this morning upon arriving at work so I'm unable to actually download and install it, but from the screenshots and personal reviews it sounds like an AIM killer. Note that I said "sounds like", not that it "IS" a AIM killer. One major feature I saw that has me sold and ready to dump AIM is the fact that Google clean. I don't see any adds whatsoever. Until I get my hands on the program I can't give any definate opinions.

Google's actions in the past few years have been think about the future of communication. Google, in time, will have an array of programs that will be all intergrated with each other. Think about earth, google maps, Google Talk and Gmail all connected together in a way where you can literally find anyone anywhere. That combined with the rumors that Google may provide fee wifi makes me wonder what the future holds for this company.

Google so far has been the only company that I've seen that knows what consumers want...and that's free quality products. LOL (^-^)

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Computer characters mugged in virtual crime spree

By Ozz
A man is arrested in Japan on suspicion of using software bots to beat up and rob game characters before selling their virtual possessions for real cash.

This is somewhat a scary thought. It is something that is coming closer to reality very quickly, and that is the fact that virtual crimes are starting to be treated as real-world crimes. Technically this crime committed in Japan only violates the Terms and Service and really shouldn't warrant an arrest, but permanent removal from the game service.

Having you account closed has been the usual action taken by game companies, when you violate the ToS...unless the violator causes damage as a result of his/her actions, then legal action would be taken.

With more and more people killing and profiting off of virtual crimes we would see a new movement of charging individuals being charged with real world crimes, for crimes committed online.

There actually might come a time where there might be actual virtual police forces patroling online games. So all those Knights you see walking Stormwind could be at some point actual patrolmen/adminsistrators. The Asian countries have always been more strict when it came to game legislation, but with the recent Hot Coffee incident, don't be surprised if we start seeing major changes in our games.

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Will The RIAA Target Homemade CDs?

By Ozz
The digital equivalent of homemade tapes are the next target of the Recording Industry Association of America.

Just when you thought the RIAA had it's fill of harassing America, they come right back at ya...right in tha ass.
The RIAA has released information that states that most piracy happens at the physical level, with most people physically copying the disk. The RIAA has suggested that measures now be taken to prevent this, in the form of kiosk that allow consumers to purchase mix cds. The RIAA also suggests that cds and dvds have copy protection to prevent consumers from copying them.

The RIAA has proposed one good idea and one bad idea. Most of the actions taken by the RIAA have been poor, however I agree with the idea that kiosk should be made available to purchase mix cds of popular singles.

For the longest time the RIAA and MPAA has waged war on piracy. And just like Bush's war on terror, there have been many innocents caught in the crossfire. I find it amazing that the record industry hasn't realized that they can't win the piracy war. Any defense they mount against music sharing will be broken. The technologically literate of the world are always ready for a challenge, and can take down any type of digital defense measure will be destroyed in a matter of hours.

I can't believe the people in these positions of power are so naive to think that there is going to be a one shot solution to this.
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PSP Ys pushed into 2006

By Ozz
PSP owners hankering for the portable port of the PlayStation 2's Ys: The Ark of Napishtim will have to hanker a while longer, since Konami today announced a spring 2006 release date for the game in North America.

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The Revenge of the Screen Savers

By Ozz
The tech community is still mourning the loss of their beloved TechTV to the assclownery that is the American entertainment industry. Fear not fellow geeks cause all is not lost. Among the ashes of the San Fransico studio there is a glimmer of hope, and signs of life being rise from the ruined remains.

Tech Tv may be gone, but those who proudly delived us our daily tech news are not. Leo Laporte one half of the ScreenSavers along with Patrick Norton, and Kevin Rose have brough back the show (somewhat) but in Podcast form. They launched their first podcast on Sunday and plan to make this a weekly thing. If you have any type of mp3 player you can go over to Leo's site, and sign up for his podcast RSS feed. You can use Doppler (I think that's how it's spelled) to download the audio RSS and Leo's has instructions on where to get it and how to subcribe on his site under the help section.

Just hang on...a little bit longer.

By Ozz
I realized that I put this thing up without preparing any content, but don't worry good stuff will be coming up soon. Just as soon as we get a few more people on this, things will be moving smoothly.
In the meantime you can check out the blogs of this sites first two contributors; myself and sonrize in the links section on the left.

Return of the PUB

By Ozz
Xanga is down for some strange reason, and I really had the need to post, so I came here.
Man looking at the date on the last entry it's been a while since I did anything here. Well that's all about to change. Blogger to me seems to be easier to use and has more (free) features than xanga. Plus people can post with out being a member. So don't be surprised if ends up replacing my xanga down the road.

So the other night my friend Noosheen IMs me at 4:30 in the morning. Note: She is on the west coast and I'm on the east. Also I didn't get the message until i got up for class later that morning.

So she sends me the message "I did it for you...let me know how it turns out." And the first thing that comes into my head was, "What the hell did she do?!" It bugged me for the next hour as I got ready for the upcoming day. When I returned to my room after putting in my contacts I began to figure out what it was she did. "Did I change my profile on this computer?" I thought to myself. It was then that I knew what she did for me.

And I will let you and Noosh know how it turns out. Later