Google talk has been released!
I've heard rumors about this, and I wasn't going to act until I saw a final product. Well it's here and I must say that I'm pretty impressed.
Now I only found out about this, this morning upon arriving at work so I'm unable to actually download and install it, but from the screenshots and personal reviews it sounds like an AIM killer. Note that I said "sounds like", not that it "IS" a AIM killer. One major feature I saw that has me sold and ready to dump AIM is the fact that Google clean. I don't see any adds whatsoever. Until I get my hands on the program I can't give any definate opinions.
Google's actions in the past few years have been think about the future of communication. Google, in time, will have an array of programs that will be all intergrated with each other. Think about earth, google maps, Google Talk and Gmail all connected together in a way where you can literally find anyone anywhere. That combined with the rumors that Google may provide fee wifi makes me wonder what the future holds for this company.
Google so far has been the only company that I've seen that knows what consumers want...and that's free quality products. LOL (^-^)
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Now I only found out about this, this morning upon arriving at work so I'm unable to actually download and install it, but from the screenshots and personal reviews it sounds like an AIM killer. Note that I said "sounds like", not that it "IS" a AIM killer. One major feature I saw that has me sold and ready to dump AIM is the fact that Google clean. I don't see any adds whatsoever. Until I get my hands on the program I can't give any definate opinions.
Google's actions in the past few years have been think about the future of communication. Google, in time, will have an array of programs that will be all intergrated with each other. Think about earth, google maps, Google Talk and Gmail all connected together in a way where you can literally find anyone anywhere. That combined with the rumors that Google may provide fee wifi makes me wonder what the future holds for this company.
Google so far has been the only company that I've seen that knows what consumers want...and that's free quality products. LOL (^-^)
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