Will The RIAA Target Homemade CDs?
The digital equivalent of homemade tapes are the next target of the Recording Industry Association of America.
Just when you thought the RIAA had it's fill of harassing America, they come right back at ya...right in tha ass.
The RIAA has released information that states that most piracy happens at the physical level, with most people physically copying the disk. The RIAA has suggested that measures now be taken to prevent this, in the form of kiosk that allow consumers to purchase mix cds. The RIAA also suggests that cds and dvds have copy protection to prevent consumers from copying them.
The RIAA has proposed one good idea and one bad idea. Most of the actions taken by the RIAA have been poor, however I agree with the idea that kiosk should be made available to purchase mix cds of popular singles.
For the longest time the RIAA and MPAA has waged war on piracy. And just like Bush's war on terror, there have been many innocents caught in the crossfire. I find it amazing that the record industry hasn't realized that they can't win the piracy war. Any defense they mount against music sharing will be broken. The technologically literate of the world are always ready for a challenge, and can take down any type of digital defense measure will be destroyed in a matter of hours.
I can't believe the people in these positions of power are so naive to think that there is going to be a one shot solution to this.
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Just when you thought the RIAA had it's fill of harassing America, they come right back at ya...right in tha ass.
The RIAA has released information that states that most piracy happens at the physical level, with most people physically copying the disk. The RIAA has suggested that measures now be taken to prevent this, in the form of kiosk that allow consumers to purchase mix cds. The RIAA also suggests that cds and dvds have copy protection to prevent consumers from copying them.
The RIAA has proposed one good idea and one bad idea. Most of the actions taken by the RIAA have been poor, however I agree with the idea that kiosk should be made available to purchase mix cds of popular singles.
For the longest time the RIAA and MPAA has waged war on piracy. And just like Bush's war on terror, there have been many innocents caught in the crossfire. I find it amazing that the record industry hasn't realized that they can't win the piracy war. Any defense they mount against music sharing will be broken. The technologically literate of the world are always ready for a challenge, and can take down any type of digital defense measure will be destroyed in a matter of hours.
I can't believe the people in these positions of power are so naive to think that there is going to be a one shot solution to this.
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