Histoy In the Making

By Ozz
This week is one that will go down in the history books. This week marked the first time gays and lesbians will be able to be legally married in the state of Massachusetts. This is surprising and happy news to me because Mass. (my home state) is usually stubborn about making laws about this kind of thing. However, I am happy that homosexuals can now enjoy the fact that under the eyes of the state that they can now be known to all as partners for life.

This event wouldn't be what it is without stirring some controversy. Many across the country who oppose this decision are making their voices heard, and one inparticular caught my eye. He was an African-American who was giving a press conference on one of the major cable news networks (I belive it was MSNBC or FoxNews). He stated that the battle for gay marrige "is not a civil rights issue," and that "[you] insult African-Americans when you call it a civil rights issue." He was very passionate (as many black revs are) about his views and continued to say that this isn't a civil rights issue because "of the fact that I can't change the color of my skin, but you can choose to change your lifestyle." This made me realize that the U.S. as well as the world need to be educated on the subject of homosexuality.

In the U.S. this subject is pretty much "shunned" (c. rock) along with everything else controversial. People need to understand that being gay or lesbian isn't a choice, it is believe by scientists as a natural occurence in nature. Proof of this is the observations of primates and the occurance of homosexuality among them. The presence of this in other parts of the animal kingdom is proof that this a natrual thing..."why?" Well we haven't figured that out yet, there's still alot we don't know about the world around us and it's something we need to do before "going to Mars"(assclown), because I highly doubt that an chimp wakes up in the morning and thinks to himself " I think I'll swing on some trees, eat some bugs, become gay, and maybe grab a banana or two."

People need to also realize that the world around them is changing at breakneck speeds and they need to accept and learn from the changes taking place. This a slow enough process as it is, but one factor slowing it down even more are the politicians, who seem hellbent on making laws that prohibit change for the good. They too have reacted to this landmark decision and I have some quotes from a few well known government officials. I will also post my responses to those quotes.

"All along, I have said an issue as fundamental to society as the definition of marriage should be decided by the people. Until then, I intend to follow the law and expect others to do the same."
- GOV. Mitt Romney
My Response: I agree, since this was a decision that will probably effect most of us, I believe that it should've been left to the people.

"The sacred institution of marriage should not be redefined by a few activist judges. I called on the Congress to amendment to our Constitution defining and protecting marriage as a union of a man and a woman. The need for that amendment is still urgent, and I repeat that call today."
- PRESIDENT George W. Bush
My Response: SHUT THA FUCK UP NOOB!! or as Yoda would say "Shut up the fuck, you must..yes" (Please excuse my lack of professionalism here, but this assclown is getting on my last nerve.

"It's a sad day for Massachusetts and America. The piece of paper that my wife and I got 34 years ago says bride and groom, and this goes to the core of this issue."
My response: I don't know...a bunch of people in Mass. looked pretty happy to get their pieces of paper. I don't worry about that piece of paper, it's just gonna undergo a few changes like saying "bride and bride" or "groom and groom".

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